
Due Date by Ultrasound Calculator

Use this WomanLog's due date caculator to determine your pregnancy due date using ultrasound data.

Date of ultrasound

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Empowering Postpartum Recovery: Navigating the Challenges with Confidence.
Most people are aware that pregnancy and especially childbirth come with extreme challenges for the female body—the body does not magically reset the minute the baby is born. Although it is a natural part of the childbirth process, the struggles of the post-partum recovery period may come as a surprise to some because it is discussed much less often. However, with proper care and preparation, new mothers will be better able to take care of themselves and their babies and will be more confident in asking for the support they need.
Nurturing Maternal Health through Exercise During Pregnancy.
When a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to be extra careful about many things for the sake of the baby and also for her own sake. Moderate exercise is a simple and accessible way of caring for your health. (Unless your doctor recommends otherwise.)
Bridging Support for Postpartum Depression Awareness.
We tend to pay a lot of attention to pregnant women and their needs but once the child has been delivered, attention shifts to the newborn. Mom devotes all her energy to her new baby and, in many cases, neglects her own needs. A new mother often experiences overwhelming physiological and psychological transformations in life and in her body. She needs support from friends and family to regain her equilibrium.